Optima Vibe is a business solutions company that source’s products, services & software solutions that will fill a gap or need in many areas of your business. We specialise in travel operations, but we are not limited to travel. With a diverse product and solution base, many businesses in different spheres can benefit from our product suite.
Our philosophy is to adopt a solution or service that satisfies a need, with our customer driven principles, we are committed to explore, learn, adapt and drive innovation, technology and value-added services.
Starting her career as a travel consultant, Anneke worked both locally and abroad culminating in heading up one of the biggest TMC consortiums in South Africa. The many years between those roles was spent working for Travelport – a technology company that provides the global distribution platform of content for the travel industry.
Anneke has learnt a lot, stretching over many spheres, which has given her a lifetime of experience, however, she still believes with the ever-changing travel environment, there is still lots to learn!!!!!
Her knowledge adds another dimension to the business as her experience in human resources, project management, supplier management and systems, adds a wealth of knowledge and the foundation on which the business operates. Her passion for the human touch ensures that Optima Vibe will always stay the course and ensure staff and client wellbeing is number one.
Their hands-on approach ensures they are informed of every aspect of their business. Working ON the business as well as IN the business.
with over
Combined experience
With over 40 years of experience between them, not even a global pandemic could stop Anneke and Carol-Ann.
In fact, it was enough to spur them on to create a business in the tide of this ‘new normal’. Bringing an environment where they can live their values, share their inimitable passion and build a travel company that embodies their work ethic and delivers ultimate solutions to booking travel for their clients.
Service is always important, ethical, honest blah blah blah… you know the standard stuff.
For many years they have worked in corporate environments, responsible for technology, partner negotiations and whilst conforming to their employers’ mould was critical, those years were critical learnings for this pair. Anneke & Carol-Ann are now breaking those moulds